4th International Conference on Religious Freedom of Archons commences in Athens
EVENTS | 27.05.2024

George C. Rockas, Esq., Archon Dikaiophylax, was the Convener of the first session of the 4th International Conference on Religious Freedom on May 27. [...]

Delegation from the Saudi Arabia visits ONEX shipyards in Elefsis near Athens
NEW INVESTMENTS | 27.05.2024

A delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia accompanied by Saudi embassy representatives visited the ONEX Elefsis Shipyards on Wednesday (May 22), ANA reports. Senior [...]

Princess Kako takes part in 125th anniversary of Greek-Japanese diplomatic relations
MARKETS | 27.05.2024

The official celebration for the 125th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Greece and Japan and the 2024 Year of Greece-Japan Culture and Tourism took [...]

National Opera offers free tickets to the dress rehearsal of 'Tosca' for the jobless
CULTURE | 27.05.2024

The National Opera is offering 1,500 free seats to the unemployed for the dress rehearsal of its production of Giacomo Puccini's popular opera "Tosca", [...]

New Evinos bridge in Central Greece inaugurated by Transport Minister
TRANSPORT | 23.05.2024

The new road bridge of the Evinos River, reconnecting the old national road of Antirrio with Ioannina, was inaugurated on Thursday in the presence [...]

Greece hosting meeting of International Organization of Securities Commissions May 26-29
EVENTS | 23.05.2024

The Hellenic Capital Market Commission will host in Athens the 49th Annual Meeting of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) from May 26 [...]

Greek Deputy Foreign Minister highlights efforts to counter brain drain
WORLD NEWS | 23.05.2024

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Georgios Kotsiras spoke about improving Greece's image abroad and the ministry's actions to highlight opportunities in Greece to the youth [...]

Greek government to improve ties with Diaspora and consular services by AI
TRAVEL TECH | 23.05.2024

Part of the strategic plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027 aims at upgrading in both ways the relationship between Greece and the Greek diaspora, and [...]

Climate Perception: Greece most resilient to global warming among Med destinations
GREEN TRAVEL | 23.05.2024

Mabrian data indicates that France, the United Kingdom and the United States are the most sensitive key outbound markets for this region to climate [...]

Commander of French land forces visits Greece to promote military ties

French Land Forces Commander Lieutenant General Bertrand Toujouse made an official visit to Greece on Wednesday at the invitation of the chief of the [...]

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