Bill on mental health reform passes in Greek parliament; Georgiadis: no layoffs

A draft law on the "Completion of the Psychiatric Reform" by Greece's Health Ministry was approved in parliament on Tuesday with 159 votes for [...]

Greek PM: The government intervenes to improve the citizens' daily life
POLITICS | 30.07.2024

The interventions of the government aim at the immediate improvement of the daily life of the citizens and concern important reforms that correct long-standing [...]

Google extends the fire limit detection AI tool to Greece
SOCIETY | 30.07.2024

Google with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is providing detailed tracking of fire boundaries in Search and Maps, as well as through location-based [...]

Over 800 children at Metropolis of Boston Camp and “Kosmos” Program

More than eight hundred children of all ages from the communities of the Metropolis of Boston throughout New England participated this year in the [...]

EU chief thanks Greece and France for their support in battling wildfires in Bulgaria
SOCIETY | 29.07.2024

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen expressed her gratitude to Greece and France for assisting Bulgaria with wildfires through the EU [...]

Greek real estate: 8 reasons making the sector highly attractive to foreign investment
REAL ESTATE | 29.07.2024

Foreign investing in Greek real estate is highly attractive, according to Corina Saias, managing director of Premier Realty Greece, ANA reports. As Saias notes, investing [...]

Government spokeserson: Program for reducing cost of life underway in Greece
ECONOMY | 29.07.2024

The Development Ministry's plan to reduce the cost of living and de-escalate the prices of food and basic household items is underway, government spokesperson [...]

Greek public debt on a steady drop after COVID-19 recovery
ECONOMY | 28.07.2024

The rapid recovery of the Greek economy and the return to primary surpluses after the COVID-19 pandemic have been the two key factors driving [...]

Greek banks and EIB join forces to enhance access to finance for mid-cap firms
NEW INVESTMENTS | 25.07.2024

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Greece's four systemic banks announced on Thursday that they have agreed on a new partnership in the form [...]

Hotel occupancy in Athens reaches 75.5% during the first half of 2024
HOTELS | 25.07.2024

The hotel occupancy rate in Athens reached 75.5% in the first half of 2024 compared to 72.9% in 2023, marking a hike of 3.5% [...]

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