Greek high school students clinch 6 medals at International Math Olympiad

The six Greek high school students participating in the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Bath (July 11-22) brought back a gold, two silver, [...]

Greek Climate Crisis Minister meets with visiting British Minister of State for Europe
GREEN TRAVEL | 22.07.2024

Greek Climate Crisis & Citizen Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias met with visiting British Minister of State for Europe Stephen Doughty on Monday, ANA reports. In [...]

Hellenic Parliament indowntown Athens undergoes energy upgrades
GREEN TRAVEL | 22.07.2024

Hellenic Parliament has undergone significant energy and aesthetic upgrades. Specifically, the project involved the energy-efficient upgrading of the lighting for the façades of the [...]

Book of condolences for Nguyen Phu Trong to open at Vietnamese embassy in Athens
MARKETS | 22.07.2024

The Vietnamese embassy in Greece will open a book of condolences for the death of Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of Vietnam's ruling Communist [...]

Sharp hike in the viral load of SARS-CoV2 in the Greek city of Thessaloniki
SOCIETY | 21.07.2024

A sharp increase in the viral load of SARS-CoV2 (Covid-19 infection) in Thessaloniki is shown by the measurements in the city's municipal waste, conducted [...]

Events for 50-years from democracy restoration in Greece start at the Presidential Mansion
EVENTS | 21.07.2024

The events on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the restoration of Democracy in Greece started on Sunday in the presence of Hellenic [...]

Deputy Tourism Minister: Greece can emerge as a protagonist in diving tourism

Greece has comparative advantages that can make it a protagonist in the field of diving tourism, a form of tourism that can lengthen the [...]

Gradual drop in temperatures in Greece from Tuesday
SOCIETY | 21.07.2024

The very high temperatures with maximum values locally over 40 on the Celsius scale will continue in Greece on Monday, ANA reports. A gradual drop [...]

UN Tourism and TUI Care Foundation jointly support African artisans in rural areas
TOUR OPERATORS | 19.07.2024

UN Tourism and TUI Care Foundation have solidified their ongoing partnership by signing an agreement at the UN Tourism headquarters in Madrid. The agreement [...]

Hot air from Africa causes high temperatures in Greece
GREEN TRAVEL | 16.07.2024

The warm air masses from the coasts of northern Africa towards a large part of eastern Europe and the Balkans will continue to cause [...]

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